
Pour bien débuter nous vous conseillons aussi de lire le Guide de démarrage du débutant d'Adonis

Only one account is allowed per person. Any attempt to create multiple accounts will close all accounts.
Each account can hold many characters, but only one manager (or assistant) and 12 riders maximum.
The first created character will have an unlimited life on the game, the access to additional characters is subject to charges.
A player will be able to have 4 riders maximum in the same team.

At the creation of your rider you get a bonus of 52pts minimum to spread the skills of your rider.
Then, your first goal is to find a team, from the list that appears in your tab "rider".
Apply to several teams, and you will receive an email notifying you of a proposal for a new contract!
Then, we advise you to read the information related to staff and the knowledge available, before starting to train.

Training is a key to your success!
Your rider can train up to 4 times a week alone, and once collectively (day chosen by the manager of your team).
On the "Training" tab, you can choose the skill to develop, and the training intensity.
The higher the intensity, the higher the training will work, but your rider will lose more health.
You will immediately see the results of your training session!
Your coach (staff), and your knowledge in physiology also influence the effectiveness of your training sessions!
Coach: +0.005 per level/ Physiology: +0.004 per level.

Managers are able to provide training camps for their riders.
Informations about these training camps:
- A rider in a training camp can not participate in races but can train as usual.
- The camp cost € 500 per day per rider.
- The duration of the camp ranges from 2 to 7 days.
- The 10 skills can be chosen for a camp (one single skill per camp).
- The "recovery camp", permits to earn 3 points of health per rider, per day.
- Each day of camp earns 0.2 pts in the selected skill, lose 3 pts in health and earn 1 pt in form (except for recovery camp)
- Each bonus (in skill) has a lifetime, and this time is the double of the duration of the camp.
- A rider can not combine two stages.
- A rider can not do more than 10 days of "skill camps" per season. But "recovery camps" are unlimited.

Example: for a period of seven days in the mountains, the bonus will be +1.4 points in the mountain skill, it will take effect at the end of the 7th day of the camp, and will last 14 days after the end of the camp. During this period of 14 days, the rider can not participate in a new stage! And at the end of 14 days, the bonus will disappear! The only stage where the bonus doesn't disappear is the "recovery" camp.

There are two types of regression in VI, one each season and one related to the age of the rider.
Each season during the winter break, each rider rests, stop his training, and so he loses some of its skills.
Each rider will lose 15% of the upper part 50 of its greatest skill, and 5% on the next two.
Example: Rider with 59 mountain, 56 stamina, 56 resistance and 52 in the rest will have after the seasonal update
59 mountain => 57.65 ((-15% 9 = 7.65, for 59-50 = 9) + 50 base)
56 stamina=> 55.7 ((-5% 6 = 5.7, for 56-50 = 6) + 50 base)
56 Resistance => 55.7 Same as stamina.
Other skills will not be affected.
The skills below 53 will not be affected either, and if a skill is above 53, it will not drop below the threshold of 53.
Regarding regression due to age, it will occur when the rider arrives at 30 years.
His loss will be increasingly important each season and receive all the skills, even if the endurance in particular, will be less affected.

Your rider can define at the beginning of each season 7 races as goals.
If the race is one of the goals of the rider, the rider will be more motivated than ever, and thus, he will have a small bonus in this race.
Your manager will see a special logo next to your rider on the registration page and on the tactics one.

The kermesses are unofficial races, ie they do not earn points for the team, and does not lose health or earn form.
However, the form, health, knowledge, influence the results, and the rider can earn bonuses (money).
So in addition to your wage, it's a good way to try to win some money.
Choose a goog kermesse for your rider to have more chance to win a bonus (age limit, gain limit )!
Each rider can organize only one kermesse at a time.
The registration fee for your kermesse are more gains for your rider, and we recommend that you leave at least one day of delay to register into your kermesse!

The form and health have an important role in the results of your rider, so it is important to understand how it works
Form: it increases by participating in races, and decreases each night (1pt). It corresponds to the acquisition of the race pace.
Health: it decreases by participating in races, by training, and increases slightly each night. It therefore corresponds to the fatigue level of your rider.
More your health and fitness are high, the better your results will be !

Votre coureur possède une motivation, qui peut fluctuer en fonction de son niveau et de la division dans laquelle il évolue.
De manière générale, plus son niveau est élevé, moins sa motivation sera grande dans les plus petites divisions.
Voici les seuils qui font évoluer la motivation, en fonction du skill global, mais également de la caractéristique la plus haute (les deux se cumulent) :
- D1 : motivation toujours au max
- D2 : jaune à 610, orange à 614, rouge à 618 et un niveau de plus si la spécialité est supérieure à 71 et si l'endurance ou la résistance est supérieure à 69 (cumul skill + caractéristique haute limité à rouge)
- D3 : jaune à 590, orange à 595, rouge à 600, noir à 605 et un niveau de plus si la spécialité est supérieure à 68 et si l'endurance ou la résistance est supérieure à 66.

The races take place almost every night, and managers have to register their riders. A rider can not register himself to a race.
Registrations to races are final and can not be canceled.
However, if managers express the general instructions, the riders choose their own tactics.
Therefore we advise managers to register their riders several days in advance, so they have time to save their tactics!
Moreover, there are two categories of race: the WT (World Tour), and CT (Continental Tour). The CT gives half price and half money.
In addition to the one-day races, tours earn also points / money for the final standings, based on the number of stage!
Some races may take place on the same day, and a runner can participate only one race per day, so the manager will have to make choices!

Velo-Identity is a collective game, where you need each other to win, so the total of the bonus earn on the race are shared.
Half of the total will be for the team, the other half will be shared for equal parts to the riders who made a sufficient tactic (green logo).
The Team A earns 25 000€ (total) on the race, with 6 riders on this race. 12 500€ will be for the team, and 2 083€ for each rider of the team (12 500/6).

Since the 7th season, times bonuses are given during stages wich takes part of a tour :
- on intermediate sprint : 3s, 2s, and 1s.
- on every finish (except Time Trial) : 6s, 4s and 2s.
These time bonuses are deducted on the overall ranking.

From the 4th Season, World Championships (CM) will appear on Velo-Identity.
Registrations in this race will be automatic and will stay 7 days before the race, the top 250 riders on this profile will be selected, with a limit of 20 riders per country for CM and 12 for JO (OG)!
There are 3 categories and each one will award a title
- Seniors (> 22 years)
- U22 (> 18 years and <= 22 years)
- Juniors (18 years)

The status of all riders on selection races will be "Free Rider".
The form and health are taken into account for the registrations and simulation, but riders do not lose health or win form during the race.
The podium of each category will be saved in the honours.
There will be three world championships per season: road, cyclo-cross and ITT!

Tactics are critical to expect winning races!
You can choose for the five sections, the intensity of effort of your rider.
The 50% corresponding at rest, 60% an effort without loss of energy, and 95% at maximal effort!
Most of the time, it is better to keep as much energy as possible for the finish, but if you are too timid, you may be broken away !
So It will become important to know well your rider, assess his level in his division, and carefully analyze each section to find the best tactic!
You can of course decide to attack, and sprint, but a rider can not attack and sprint on the same section, a choice will be to do based on your rider's skils!

The race simulator considers many parameters in Velo-Identity. Each of these parameters is to study well to understand a good result or underachievement.
Here is the list of parameters to be taken into account:
- Characteristics of the rider on each section, so you can be good at T1 and bad at T2 according to the profile!
- The race tactics on the section (see section Tactics)
- The health and form of the rider.
- Energy race remaining. A rider who has been more aggressive early in the race, will be more tired at the end of the race, and therefore less effective.
- Recovery of the rider (for stage races only).
- The level of the staff team.
- The level of the equipment the team.
- The status of the rider, and the number of team mate he has at his disposal. More longer are the team mates alongside their leader, more they will be effective for him.
- Knowledge in alimentation.
- The experience of the rider.
- Weather (see Weather section).

Three conditions has influences during the simulation of races.
The climate is available in normal, rain, snow or heat waves. When the climate is said difficult (which is different from normal), the race is hardened, and the differences can dig a little deeper than usual. Climate majority in the calendar is the normal climate.
The direction of the wind affects the speed of the race, downwind race will go faster (without forcing more) headwind race will run slower and smaller groups will be slightly disadvantaged. Crosswind, borders can be created if there is a strong wind!
The wind strength, which ranges from 0 (no wind) to 9 (very strong wind). The wind, affects the variation provided by wind direction!
For tactics, consider the weather !

A rider has the opportunity to be transferred to another team. For this, the rider and his manager must accept the offer of another manager.
The transfer is actually a repurchase of contracts, it means that the rider will have exactly the same contract, but in his new team (salary unchanged and unmodified duration).
During a transfer, all points earned by the rider in his former team are deleted. However, his former team keeps the points it has gleaned with him.
A rider is not allowed to join a team that he left the same season.
Transfers "disguised" only to enrich a third team will be penalized at least the transfer price.

It is possible to have a partnership agreement with another team
Here are the characteristics of a partnership
- the duration of partnership is at least two seasons (ie 146 days irl)
- transfers of riders between the two teams become free
- managers / assistants from both teams have access to the skills of all of the riders
- every team member has access to the forums of both teams to facilitate the communication
- only the manager can propose /, accept, or reject a partnership with another team.
- management of partner is available in the team's configuration page (jersey, description... by the manager's desk)

The main sponsor gives every Monday a fixed sum to the team, depending on the division of it. The more you are in top division, the more you earn a substantial regular income.
However, if the team has less than 10 competitors, the sponsor decides to reduce your regular income, at 10% of income less by rider missing.
the lower limit is 20%, and the upper limit is 100% of regular income. A team with 5 riders will receive 50% of revenues, while a team with 8 riders will receive 80%.
Secondary sponsor is to find each new season, the sponsors are three days on the market before choosing the team they prefer. A manager can not make more than 3 simultaneous requests.

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